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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When your gone , all the colours fade .

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!I guess you guys know
why I am tooooooooooooooooo frigggin hyper today !!!!!:DDDD
Its becausee.......................................................................................
THE EXAM IS OVER !!!!!!xDDDDD !!!I got two news here .
Bad news and good news .First , the good news is , The friggin exam is
finally over .Second , the bad news is =(((( Choral Fest is on this
Saturday till next Wednesday !!!=(((((( I thought it was on next Saturday .

My god !I thought I can sleeeep till 12 pm .Shittt .Tomorrow got practice at 11:30 -.=
Arghhhh !!!!!I needa go .Or else auntie or Pn Loh gonna scold me like mad -.=
Ah !Just go .My God !I almost forgot !Friday also got practice !=.=
Gonna get tired like shit .I dont care .Just go .Tak payah susahkan diri =)
This Saturday Im not goin for the Shah Alam competition .Im not chosen =((
I wanna go !!!=((( Auntie said I cannot go because sometimes I didnt go for
afternoon practice .Sometimes , yeah .Not ponteng .Its because I needa do my
prefect duty .Or else Puan Lau will think that I ponteng from prefects duty .
And now , I terpaksa tak payah pergi for the Shah Alam's comp .=((

Sometimes I felt like I wanted to quit from being a prefect .It making me tired .
Sometimes only .My friend asking me to quit .I say I'll think bout it first .
Yat Kuan quit already .Cause she said tak tahan with that Pn Lau .Me too !
Sometimes she's making me losing my patient .And when Im back to class ,
I ter-scold my friend .They just asking me are you ok ??Then I ter-scold them .
But then I realise that they've done nothing wrong to me .They are my bestfriend .
I shouldnt did that .I felt so guilty .Then Im asking for their apology for me .

Nikie , Aqilah , Aliyah , Im sorry ok .If I did something wrong purposely , forgive me ok ?
My God !Im so emo -.= Alright !Lets not talk about this !Fweeuuhh !!!
Exams over !Freeeeeeeeeedom for me .Tonight I can watch movie !
Chicken Run !Yee Pei !You should watch this movie !Told you so many times =)
Remind you .Ermmm...I guess I'll end my post till here .Byes !
Ouh yeah .yesterday night I watched Just Like Heaven .Its the best movie ever !
You should watch it !100000000000000000000000000000000 thumbs up !'Ouh !
Here some amos lee-colours lyrics .

Yesterday i got lost in the circus,
feeling like such a mess.
And now I'm down,
I'm just hanging on the corner.
I can't help but reminisce.
Cuz when you're gone,
all the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,colours seem to fade.
Your mama called,
she said,
that you're downstairs crying.
Feeling like such a mess.
Ya, i hear ya,
in the back ground balling.
What happened
to your sweet summer time dress.
I know we all,
we all got our faults.
We get locked in our vaults,
and we stay..
When you're gone,
all the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,
colours seem to fade,
colours seem to fade.
Current song in my mind !!!!!!!!:D
And this is Just Like Heaven's Trailer n whatever .
Sorry =( I cannot upload it .Got problem .

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