Im missing CampFireNight already !Freaking fun !!^^ haha..
Dance floor I danced with my crazy friends XD Gemuk [Yee Pei] ,
Ju Ting , Ke Jia , Cai Yi , Amanda and Pokok Ru XD [Zhiou Ru]
Haha..We danced like a mad person !Haha..It was fun !Ouhh , by the way !
Happy Fathers Day to my beloved muscular Daddy !Zakaria !
Haha..yesterday after I reached home , rest for awhile .Than , when the
clock strikes 12a.m , my family and I gave a surprise to my Daddy !!
Haha..!!Its kinda fun !!!=D Have you wish your Daddy Happy Fathers Day ?
Go !Wish !Now !=) Hahaha..
So , as you all can see , I've changed my BlogSkin .Haha..nice or not ??!!
Im kinda new to blog..I just made my blog last year , December 2008 .
Still new lah kan .So , I dont know how to fix this BlogSkin thing .So ,
can anyone hellllllllllp me ??:P Errrr..who's birthday on this month ??
Tell me !Or else , I'll forget to wish you .Dont blame me .xP
So !CampFireNight is over .Whats next ??Carnival Day and Cheer 2009 !
OMG !Good Luck to our schools cheerleader !Vulcanz !You all got your
spirits for comp ??:P Haha..stop crapping lahh Zunaira !xD
All right !Before I end up my post , I wanna wish to Vulcanians , Good Luck !
p/s : Why do you always make me feel so BROKEN ?
Tuning to :Super Massive Black Hole ^^